Tuesday, February 10, 2009

She showed me didn’t she?


It was nice to finally go somewhere and play poker without worrying about blinds, chip-ups, evening out tables, bouncing etc...

This was a tale of 2 evenings in 1.

Darren's evening:

Well, it started slow. I played a whopping 1 hand throughout the first session. I was in the big blind, and there were about 5 limpers (This turned out to be a pattern at this table. 4-6 players in EVERY hand). I looked down at A 10 (First even remotely playable hand of the night.) and just checked. Blinds are 20/40. Flop comes 10 5 2 rainbow. The small blind fires out $200. This actually worried me because even though I have top/top, he's the small blind, and easily could have 2 5, or any combo of the crap that was on the board. After thinking for a while, I just smooth called. Everyone else folded. Turn is a 8. He fires $400. I went into the tank for quite a while and even apologized for taking so long. I haven't played against any of these players, so I have no idea how this guy plays. The bet seemed too high to me to be 2 pair. I figured he'd trap with those, so I eventually just called. River is a 3. He checks, and I thought of betting, but decided to check it down and not get greedy. I through my cards over and said "Top/Top" and he mucked. I should've asked to see his cards so I knew what he played, but let it go. That almost doubled me up, and by break 1 I was up to about $4500 (start with $2500).

Second break starts off nicely. I actually start seeing a few hands. I'm loving sitting at this table of limpers. If I can just get a hand or 2 and steal the limps I'll be happy. FINALLY look down at QQ with the blinds at 50/100 and 5 limpers. I make a pot-size raise ($500) and they complain and fold. Limp all day baby! Pay off big daddy! Well, the deck went cold again for me for a while. I eventually look down at A3 and limp in late position. Flop comes Q 3 2. Check, Check bla bla bla...back to the guy to my right. He fires out a pot-sized bet. I thought for a little bit, but fold saying "Hey, that was my move!". 1 caller. Sure enough, Turn is another 3! Damn it! Manny fires at the pot, and guy to my right calls. RIVER IS A 3!!!! Son of a biatch! Manny goes all-in, dude calls. They both have a full house (333QQ). I would've been chip leader if I make the call to see the turn. I've thought about it, and just couldn't see calling $400 with the A3, although I know just about every other player at the table would've. Oh well.  I get blinded down to about 2 big blinds, and double up before 2nd break on a hand I was happy with. I had 33 in the big blind with 2 limpers. Flop is QQJ. Small blind checks, and I went all-in. Fold Fold Fold. I was happy with that.After the small bond and another hand, I was left with $800 going into break 2.

Break is over and I now have 1 big blind left with 5 hand to catch something. Trash, Trash, Trash will raises in front of me. I know I know. I should've just thrown them out there and hoped to get lucky. I think my main flaw as a player is waiting too long to push and letting my stack get too short. I finally am UTG and go all-in blind. I figure the timing is the best because I ould at least triple up. 4 Limpers! Surprise! I still haven't looked at my hand. Flop is A 8 2. I'm dead...especially when some knob-shine bets into the empty side pot, and another guy goes "You do know the goal is to knock him out right?" Old duded says "Yes". I tried so hard not to laugh, but I'm loving it! ISOLATE FOR ME BABY! He gets 1 caller, so there are 2 left and me. Turn J, River 10. They turn their cards over, and dude that bet after the flop had a K9! He was hoping for some "straight cards or something". Caller had a KJ. So I say "Well, we'll look at cards together..." I flip them over 1 at a time....7, 7! Even if I looked pre-flop, I would've throw the chips in, so I guess it was meant to be. Knocked out in 28th Place! It was nice to get out there and play without running anything. Just wish I could've caught a few hands. I had 3 pocket pairs all night (33, QQ and of course the fatal 77). Everything else was A rag, or rag rag.

Now, for the other half of the night. Lisa was hemming and hawing about going. She kept saying "I haven't played live in forever. Maybe I'll just go and watch you play." I didn't even give her the option, and registered her when I registered.

Well, she owes me big BECAUSE SHE WON THE DAMN THING!

That's right, Lisanity took it down. She ended up beating Phoonix heads up for the win. I think I need to take lessons from her!


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