Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lost a patient

I finally am getting around to be able to write about this.

As many of you know I'm a volunteer fire fighter at the Town of Wilson, Black River FD. I also am one of the few at work (Franzen Graphics) that know CPR.

Last Wednesday (April 9th) we had a worker in the screen department collapse. After several people found him and tried to wake him up, they called me to try and help.

When I got to him, he had no pulse and wasn't breathing. Then another co-worker that knows CPR arrived and we started CPR. After we started, we were able to get a pulse for about a minute. Then we got nothing for about 5 minutes before the EMT's arrived.

He didn't make it. He was only 43 yrs. old with a fiance and 2 daughters.

I must say that the whole thing is still sureal for me. I haven't figured it out yet. The tests showed he had no chance, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

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