Tuesday, February 10, 2009

4 Quads!

Wow! What a day at EWP yesterday.

We had 4 people with Quads, including 2 on the same hand. We'll start with that one. The cards are dealt, and we see 3 people to the flop. Flop comes AAA! The 3 in the hand check it down. The turn is a 3. One player bets, and the other folds. Now we are down to Go Irish and Neal L. The River is another 3! Neal bets and Go Irish re-raises all-in! Neal folds, and shows 33 for quads, but Go Irish shows the A 10 for the better quads.

There was some debate over whether or not Neal actually folded because Irish flipped his cards over before Neal actually said "Fold". X was at the table, so maybe he can expand on that a little.

I was involved in another one. We were down to 7 players at the final table, and TAN had almost half the chips in play and was pushing everyone around. In this hand he was UTG and raised up to $2400 (600/1200 blinds). I had about $8000 left, so when I looked down at 10/10 I pushed. Everyone folded and he called with KK! Ouch. Not so fast my friend. BAM hit a 10 in the turn and nailed another one on the river for quad 10's. It was nice to be on the good side of a suck-out for once. The 4th hand was (Memory is going blank here...) Quad 6's I believe when it got down to heads up between Irish and TAN.

Crazy day at EWP. Season's over, and I'm looking forward to the finals.

Actually considering a move from Lakeshore Lanes on Sundays. It took them until the second quarter to get the TV working. The guys were just as ticked as I was that we couldn't watch the whole Packer game. I know EWP doesn't bring in thousands of dollars in bar business or anything, but a little help would be nice. Other than the occasional Friday Night downstairs, it's been nice on Friday's. The Jammer is a nice spot to have a poker tourney, but Sunday's kind of suck.

I love the quality of play and the group of people on Sunday's, but it might to time to look for another venue on Sunday's. Our players deserve better. I'll be searching in the offseason.

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