Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5/32 at Talk of the Town

Just got back from Talk of the Town.

$25 buy-in, $25 re-buy (Only 1 and must be busted) and 1 add-on after 3rd level. Pretty decent set-up there. Start with $5000 and blinds start at 50/100. Half hour levels for the first 4 levels, then 15 min. levels. It's pretty decent.

The only 2 big gripes I have is that any time a card is flipped during dealing it's a misdeal, which wastes a lot of time. The bigger deal is that players can show up as late as the end of the 3rd level (1.5 hours) and still re-buy and add-on. So they walk in and have the same or more chips than me. BS I think. Doesn't matter. Everyone of those bastards finished behind me anyway!

Let's get on with it. Hit a few hands early. I'm sick, so I really don't recall too many hands. I do know that the only decent pp I had all night was JJ and had to lay them down to 2 pre-flop raises. This is a super tight crowd, and sure enough it made a show-down with AA beating KK.

I had to have been dealt AK about 10 times, and only lost with them 1 time. I had to cough them up when I whiffed on the flop and dude that called my preflop raise hammered the flop. I managed to either hit my A, K or both several times, and was able to get people out pre-flop with them all night.

The thing that helped me most was that I was able to build a great table image early on. My first 3 hands shown were all AK. I used it to my advantage a few times. Raised pre-flop with marginal hands, and no one would call.

Got to the final table as the chip leader or close to it, and went card dead.

The small stacks kept winning, and it only paid down to 5th, so I thought for sure I'd bubble or something. Finally picked up a few hands and got back to the chip lead. Gal across from me took 2 peopl out in a row and grabbed the chip lead. I finally took out the bubble player, so I was in the money.

Next hand I play (Mind you, super tight table) is A8 of hearts. I raise to $24K (Blinds are 4K/8K). Chip leader thinks, and calls. Flop Comes K88! I check, she checks. Turn is a 6. I go all-in, and she thinks long and hard and calls with 77! WOW....I turn over my cards and HOLY SHIT! I have A5! What an F-UP that was! Needless to say I'm knocked out in 5th. Won $80, not bad for a few hours work. I never had to re-buy, and did the add-on, so $45 in, $80 out.

I'll take it, but what a dumb-ass I am!

(Side note: Tony D and Hooch were there. A few others that have played EWP and Skybox were there as well.)

This capped off a good poker week/weekend. 4/64 at Skybox, Won 2 at the home game at my bro-in-laws Sat. Night (Maybe $80) and the above. I'll bask in it while I can, because this can only mean I'm about to take a dive off the poker diving board!

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