Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Darren’s Vegas Trip Report

Just posting this here for those of you who wanted to know how the Vegas trip went. I encourage the rest of those on the trip to post something (Maybe not a novel like mine, but anything you thought was interesting about your trip.)

Grab a cocktail, because you'll need one to make it all the way through my trip report. I typed this for All Vegas Poker, so it's worded like some of you are strangers, but I didn't want to re-type it. My hands are getting numb!

Here it is:

Day 1

*Imperial Palace
Flight leaves Milwaukee a few minutes late, and we arrive about a half hour late. Not sure how that works, but we get to the hotel at about 10:30 Saturday morning. We couldn't check in until 3:00, so everyone checked their luggage at the Bell station. Of the 26 of us, there are 9 poker players, and the 9 of us decided to jump right in and enter the IP nooner ($60 buy-in). Everyone does their own thing for an hour. We hit the Emporer's Buffet, which is excellent by the way. It's got everything you need! We all meet back and jump right in. Not sure if it's because of our group, or because the WSOP was in town, but they had a much larger showing than usual. They typically get 30+ and we ended up having 48 players total. All 9 of us entered, and for the most part, started off well. I don't have many big hands to discuss until later. The good news is the waitresses kept the drinks coming. I never felt like I was waiting for a drink at all. Kudos to the IP for that! My first goal to prove I could play well in Vegas, but a close second was making sure I ended the trip with a positive EDV (Expected Drinking Value).

It was pretty slow going for me. The play was generally pretty weak, so I was just sitting back folding and watching what was going on. I was almost blinded out by the 3rd level, when I was able to catch a few nice hands (QQ and AK) and got paid off nicely on both of them with people calling me down with Ace / Rag. We get down to about 15 players, and I notice that 7 of us are still in. We finally get down to the final table, and our group occupied 6 of the 10 seats. One of our guys is the first out. I'm getting pretty low on chips, and the blinds are brutal at this point. I was able to double up through the chip leader when my A9 held up against his Q10. Even the chip leaders were short stacked. What I remember most about the final table was that the small stacks kept winning, so it took a while to get down to the cash. It paid the final 6, and our group had 4 of those 6, so we did well. Now we get into a few big hands. One of our guys – Cuch (Pronounced "Cooch") was in the big blind (8K) and only had about 14K altogether so he pushed preflop. He had 9-5 off, and spiked the case 9 on the river for trips to beat QQ to more than double up.

It gets down to 4 of us (2 of us, 2 strangers), and I am getting low on chips again. I am in the big blind. The guy to my right pushes all-in and I look down at AQ hearts and call. I've got him covered just slightly. He turns over a KJ. The flop brings the Jh Th 7c. He's hit his J, but I've got a million outs including a potential royal. The turn is a blank, and I yell to the dealer "Give me the King of Hearts dealer! Give me the Royal!" Sure enough…BAMMMM. The K of hearts hits the river and I got my royal flush. It's only the second royal of my life, and the first was the hearts too. Down to 3! I once again get low (All of us are. There are only $150k in play, Average stack is $50k and the blinds are now 5K/10K) I finally push with A7 and get called by an even smaller stack who had a KJ. He hits his J on the turn, but I river an A so we are down to 3. Cuch and I are heads up. Top prize is $692 and 2nd place is $512. Cuch and I were almost even in chips. He may have had an extra 5K or so. I offered that we chop the money and play for the win because the blinds after that hand were now 10K / 20K and we each had about 75K. He agreed without hesitation, which was good for me, because my next 3 hands were 3s6s, 37off, 38off, IN THAT ORDER! Needless to say I was out in 3 hands. Great start to the trip though!

***Buy-In: $60 – Finish: T1/48 ($602 each, but we each tipped the dealers $20) – Profit: $522
EDV – Very High (12+ Drinks at least. They never stopped coming over 3 hours.)

We finished the tourney at 3:00 on the button, so it was time to check-in. The wife and I were the organizers of this trip, so we upgraded our room to a King Suite, because we were going to host a 4:00 cocktail party for everyone in our room. We check in, and we ran over to the liquor store on Audrie (Stage Door) to pick up the goodies for the party.

*Caesar's Palace
After cocktailing it with the group, a few of us decide to get into the Caesar Palace 7:00 $150 tourney. 6 of us make that one. I believe it was Myself, Cuch, Ricky, Jesse, Go Irish and Tony D. Nice poker room! Ton of action going on. Plenty of cash games going, plus the Mega stack tourney, plus the $150 we got in. They also had a lot of Sit-N-Go's running constantly. The tournament starts and they announce 151 players and a prize pool of $18875. It will pay the top 18, with the top prize being $6800 or so.

We start playing, and I notice immediately that it's a notch up from the IP. I really only felt that there were 2 bad players at my table. 1 was out before level 3 (40 minute levels). The other I had a feeling about, but his only move was all-in, and he never had to show a hand. No one ever called him. We started with 5K in chips, and he'd go all-in with 1 raise ahead of him into a $300 pot. I had the feeling he was just playing pressure poker, but I never had anything decent to call him with. I guess it worked huh? Anyway. I felt like I was on top of my game. There were only 2 plays that I made that I felt I made mistakes on, but they were both folds, so I never got to see if I made the right play or not. About 4 hours in, we were down to 38 players, and only Cuch and I were left. We couldn't see Ricky, so we assuming he got knocked out. How sweet would that be to have him and I battle until the end in this one! It wasn't meant to be as he busted out in about 35th or so from what I could tell. I was sitting OK. The average stack at the time was 20K+ and I was at about 28K. The hand that helped me get there was this key hand for me: I was at about 8K, and the blinds were at 400/800. I look down at KK, and the player to my right raises it up to 1600. I re-raise all-in, and the player across the table re-raises all-in with slightly more than I have. The player to my right takes a long time to decide. I had just sit down at our table, and had no clue how I played. He knew the other player must have a hand to re-raise, but had no clue what I had. He finally calls. I figure I might be up against AA, but they turn over 99 (Across the table), and 10 10 (To my right)….WHEW, I'm ahead….Please hold up! Sure enough, it holds up, and I more than triple up including the dead blinds that were out there. I'm now up to about 28K! We get down to 22 players. Holy crap! Is it possible that I could cash in my first 2 tourneys? To be honest, I consider myself an above average player, but that's coming from a 250+ player league in Wisconsin, so what does that mean? I'm not vein enough to think I'm that good, but good enough that I'll never embarrass myself.

So, 22 players left. 2 to go for the final 2 tables and 4 to go for the CASH. 18th place paid out close to $300, so I'd be happy with just that. I'm just above the average stack, so I'm in good shape. I'm in late position, and the table folds to me. I look down at QQ, and raise it up 4x the blind. The SB folds and the BB, who has about 18K in front of him re-raises. I think, and push all-in and he insta-calls with a AJ offsuit. Excellent! This should help my stack heading into the final 2 tables! NOPE. Flop comes 2JJ, and he leaves me with about 8K left. WOW. What a kick in the rocks that was! 2 other players go out within the next 3 or 4 hands and we are now down to the final 2 tables. Believe it or not, at 8K I wasn't the shortest stack, so all I needed to do was coast. I got lucky enough to be seated right behind the button, so I had time to wait for a hand, and hope that a few small stacks got busted. Within 1 hand, the smallest stack on our table goes all-in in the BB with absolute nothing, but hits a 2 or something to beat an AK and doubles up. This continues to happen over the next HOUR. Blinds are 1000/2000 + 200 Ante, and I somehow manage to stick around with may stack hovering around 7-10K the whole time. Then, I have the button in front of me with only 8K left, the table folds around and I have A3. I decide to push, because I won't keep surviving this way. I just hoped the blinds had nothing to call with. The Big Blinds calls with AJ. Wouldn't you know it, I river a 3 to double up! I think I apologized to the guy about 20 times. He had 18K at the time, so we basically swapped chip stacks. That was the last hand I won. I got blinded out and finished 20th after 5 hours of some of the best poker I've ever played. I felt like throwing up. I can't help but think back to the QQ I lost with against AJ. If I win that hand I have more than 46K and could've folded to the cash. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Even though I didn't cash, this tournament was a validation for me that I can play solid poker, and not be afraid of being intimidated by anyone. The field was filled with excellent players, and if it wasn't for 1 hand, I would've probably cashed.

***Buy-in: $150 – Finish: 20/151 – Profit: -$150
EDV: WAY Down (Didn't have a single cocktail) Confidence: WAY UP

After I got knocked out, within minutes my buddy Dave called me and asked how I was doing. I told him I just got knocked out and told him I needed to let off some steam. He was back at the IP playing Blackjack, so I decided to join him. It was about 1:00 by the time I got there. The table was full, so we decided to go next door to Harrah's and play some $10 BJ. BJ isn't my 1 game, but I usually walk away with money. Not this time. The dealer was on fire. Everyone at the table was getting busted, and we left after about 45 minutes. I dropped a quick $150, and Dave finished up $75 I think. I was tired and mentally spent from the CP tourney, and said I was just going to hit the rack and call it a night. On our way back to IP, I thought better of it and said "Hey, I'm not quite ready, should we check out Bill's?" I think he said YES! Before I even finished my sentence!

*Bill's Gambling Hall
We walked over to Bill's and there are 2 tables going. The format here is a single $1 blind. That's it! No big and small, just a single blind. One of the tables is full, and the other only had 1 spot. I told Dave to sit down, and I would run to the bathroom and wait for a spot. No sooner did I say that, and a spot opened up. Dave says "What is the max buy-in?" and the entire table looks over at him like he's Satan. Max is $200, but no one at the table has more than $60 or $70 in front of them, so we decide to play nice and buy-in for $100 each. It was clear within minutes that this was the softest table I have ever sat down to. Dave and I were next to each other on the end of the table. Clockwise to his left was a guy that didn't look a year older than 12. Then the dealer. Then there was a 40 year old gal, a huge dude (Not muscular, just huge), a crabby dude (Looked like he needed to get laid), and a few forgettable guys after him. Dave took a few bad beats early and had to re-buy, but he got his money back in a hurry. This session was unlike any other I've ever played. I think I saw 90% of the flops (No exaggeration at all), because the other players might as well have just told me what their hands were pre-flop. The grumpy dude just kept pulling out $20 after $20 when we kept felting him. Dave and I even started a side bet that every time one of us felted someone we owed each other a buck. The it got interesting. Dave leans over and says "Have you noticed the guys standing behind you?" "They're standing there talking how bad we're playing, and how they need to sit in and show us how it's done, and one of them has a WSOP bracelet on!" Sure enough, I slowly turn around a few minutes later when they were distracted by some chicks that were in line to enter the night club inside Bill's. 2 Brothers, and one of them has a bracelet! Could be a fake, but who knows. When a 3rd seat finally opens, 3 of these guys sit down, and the guy with the bracelet is hammered. The other 2 are in good shape, but he's plowed! We both talk and tell each other to start playing ABC again. They saw me playing 90% of the flops, so they'll call me with anything now. They all buy in for $50 each or so. Dave and I decide to keep our side-bet about felting players, except we made it $5 if someone got bracelet guy. We asked his brother if the bracelet was real, and he said "Yup, he won an event in 2005." Holy (&%! How cool is this! We didn't recognize him, but there are a lot of solid players I don't know.

Our strategy worked, and we each felted him once, so he finally left. His brother stuck around as well as their buddy who had the most serious look on his face the whole time. He was solid, so I just avoided getting into raised pots with him unless I had a Top 5 or so. The serious guy finally left. He did finish up about $50 or so I think. The brother kept calling me down with nothing, and I kept taking his chips $20 at a time. He nailed me once for a $75 pot, but other than that he kept giving away is chips. He even left, and came back a few times, buying in for $30, and giving them away. I think we felted him 4 or 5 times before he finally stopped coming back. We had such a great time. Dave said "You know we'll be here when the sun comes up", and we were. Next thing we know, it's 6:00 am, and we're hammered. We finally call it quits at 7:00, and cash out. Dave finished up about $50, and I cashed in for $305. Would've been way more, but I think over the course of those 6 hours, I tipped the waitresses and dealers about $100. I wish I wasn't so soft! I couldn't help it. The dealers were great. The waitresses were great, and we were having so much fun and doing well. The Floor Manager was nice enough to pro-rate our comps, so we signed up for the Bill's card on our way out, and he gave us the comps for the 6 hours we were there. Thanks again! I can't say enough about Bill's. Whether you're a good cash player, and want to play the softest table ever, or are there on a small budget, and want to play the cheapest hold'em table in town, Bill's is the place to play! By the way, on our way back to the IP, I was propositioned by a Tranny-Ho. She offered to relieve me, and after I said "No" and we walked away, Dave says "You know that was a guy right?" I guess I didn't notice, because I wasn't interested, but if you ask me, HE WAS HOT!

By the way, after we got home from the trip, we confirmed the bracelet winner. It was ANTHONY REATEGUI. He won the 2005 WSOP NL Hold'em Shoot-Out event. He's won quite a few others as well. He has over $1 million in career winnings.
Here's his Card Player profile:

You can see a bunch of shots of him in the Photos section of his profile.
He was hammered, so I'm not going to sit here and act like he's my biatch or anything, but I don't care WHO you are, it's cool to say you felted a WSOP bracelet winner!

***Buy-In: $100 - Cash Out: $305 – Profit - $205
EDV: WAY Back up after being sober at CP! I don't even want to THINK about how much I drink there in 6 hours!

Day 2

Spent the whole day with the Lisa and a few others. No poker whatsoever believe it or not. I'm not sure how this happened. It could have something to do with the fact that I was up until 7:30 that morning, and only slept for 2 hours.

The best part of the day was heading over to the Rio to drop in on the WSOP to try and see a few big names. They were all over the place.

We're just walking by looking for people, and I here some yelling behind me. I turn around, and it's Todd Brunson totally chewing this unknown player a new icehole.

Word for word, this is what he was saying:
"Are you kidding me? That's the S%T you're bringing to the table? That's the S&T you're giving me? You try that again and we'll take this outside and I'll kick your A$$! I'll kick for F*&@ING A$$!"

The player called for the Pit Boss and he came over and Brunson clammed up. I thought for sure he was going to get a timeout, but he didn't. I couldn't believe it. This happened as they were sitting basically in the center of the room. Right on one of the corner tables. Unreal!

Every big name was there. I was able to talk to Barry Greenstein a little bit and got my picture with him. I shook hands or saw about 30 big name players. This includes: Scotty Nguyen, Chris "Jesus" Ferguson, Shannon Elizabeth, Daniel Negreanu, Amnon Philipe, Sammy Farha, Phil Locke, Mike Matusow, Phil Hellmuth, Todd Brunson, Marcel Luske, Minh Ly, Ted Forrest, Eric Seidel, Phil Ivey, Michael Mizrachi, Erci Lindgren, Michael Binger. I'm sure I'm missing a few. I was hoping to see Doyle and Johnny Chan, but they were nowhere to be found. On our way out, I was able to get a photo with Men "The Master" Nguyen, so that was a nice finish. I'll post the pictures on Myspace as soon as Ricky emails them to me.

Other than that, Day 2 was uneventful for your interests if you have actually read this far!
Lisa and I did play some slots, and won enough to cover my BJ losses, so we'll call that even.

***Poker Profit: $0 – "WOW" factor – huge after seeing every big name at the Rio
EDV: Down. Drank a lot, but paid for it.

Day 3

Went to Panda Express (North of Harrah's) for breakfast. That's right, Lisa wanted Chinese for breakfast. Turned out to be a good idea. Nothing like throwing down Chow Mien noodles and spiced pork for breakfast!

*Planet Hollywood
Called the boys to see what their plan was. I was going to the hit IP nooner again just because our shuttle was picking us up at 4:30, and I figured it would be nice to be close to home if I did well again. They suggested the 10:00 at the PH instead, so we ran our butts down to the PH and got into the 10:00 am $60 tourney. Nice poker room, and a HOT waitress. The tourney filled up just as our group of 6 arrived. They were accepting alternates at first, but had enough to actually start an extra table right away, so props to PH for being able to adjust.

Saw some pretty bad play in the early going. I wasn't being dealt anything I could even think about playing. You know how there is always that "guy" that is a donk, but a thorn in your side? I had 1 of those. Got my first decent hand in the big blind the third time around the table (2nd blind level). Got JJ, and there were 3 limpers. Blinds were 100/200 and I made it $800 to go. He re-raised to $1500, and I called. I probably should've re-raised there. Flop comes 8 6 3 rainbow I believe. He checks, I bet $1000 and he re-raises all-in. I think, and wonder what he could've limp-raised me with. I had a hard time thinking he had a higher pair than me. I thought and thought and folded face up hoping he'd show. He showed 66 for a set. OUCH.

The second time I had QQ with the button in front of me and raised 4x the blind and he called. Flop comes 2 K K and he goes all-in. I figured maybe he had AK or KJ or something, so after thinking I said "I'll show respect" and folded them face up again hoping he'd show. Sure enough. K7 OFF! Wow! Why do people like that get rewarded? Call a pre-flop 4x raise with K7 off in middle position.

Slowly got blinded out and didn't even make the top half of the field.

***Buy-in: $60 – Cash Out: $0 - Profit: -$60
EDV: Average. Unfortunately, even though she was HOT, she was working alone, and had a hard time keeping up with the drinks.

*Bill's Gambling Hall
Me and 3 of my buddies that got knocked out early enough decided to finish our trip at Bill's. We got there at about 11:45 I think. There was 1 full table, but the other was empty. They said they'd open it for 4 players, because that's what you need for the KK/AA busted promo to count. Taking money from each other isn't what we had in mind, but hey, it's only 1 $1 blind, and they don't rake until the pot hits $10, so we figured we'd goof around for a while until some people would show up. It didn't take long. 2 guys, which I would call either regulars or solid old timers came over from the other table. I think they saw us walk in and figured "dead money". Who knows, maybe they were right! Lol! It took a half hour, but a few guys from Dallas sat down. They were there for a bachelor party! Cha Ching! Should be dead money! Nope. As hard as they tried to give their chips away, all that ended up happening was Tony, Neal and I taking chips from each other. Neal and I both gave Tony a few big pots, and he had to leave, so it was bad news for us. Oh well. Neal busted out at about 3:00 or so, but I was having fun and I was up maybe $30 despite being absolutely card dead for 3.5 hours. Good decision. I stuck around until 4:15 and hit a hot deck toward the end. I finished up $88 and would've finished even higher if it wasn't for my bone headed play with my A8 offsuit. I think there were 4 players to a flop of 967. I bet it to try to get a nice payday if I hit the open ender. Get 2 callers. Pot is up to maybe $10. Turn is a 5! BINGO! I check, and a new player bets $5. I re-raise all-in and he calls. River is a J or a Q or something. He flips over KK. I flip over my A8 and say "sorry…straight." And they are about to rake me the pot, when the dealer goes "you don't have a straight…". Sure enough. The turn was another 9 you idiot! Needless to say, my EDV was WAY up, so I guess I had it coming. One of the old timers that was at the table from the start said "You know, I truly believe you thought is was a str8, because I thought that's the way you played it!"
Anyway, I stuck around for another hand or 2, then bolted to catch the shuttle. Lisa was freaking out when I got there because she had been calling me over the last 15 minutes, but I didn't get a good signal there, so I didn't answer. The fun part of my trip is now over!

Buy-In: $100 – Cash Out: $188 – Profit: $88
EDV – At LEAST 12+ cocktails. WEEE!

Total for trip:
Poker Profit: $625
EDV: Got my money's worth that's for sure.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Those of you that got this far, all get a gold star!
Can't wait to go back again!

Lost a patient

I finally am getting around to be able to write about this.

As many of you know I'm a volunteer fire fighter at the Town of Wilson, Black River FD. I also am one of the few at work (Franzen Graphics) that know CPR.

Last Wednesday (April 9th) we had a worker in the screen department collapse. After several people found him and tried to wake him up, they called me to try and help.

When I got to him, he had no pulse and wasn't breathing. Then another co-worker that knows CPR arrived and we started CPR. After we started, we were able to get a pulse for about a minute. Then we got nothing for about 5 minutes before the EMT's arrived.

He didn't make it. He was only 43 yrs. old with a fiance and 2 daughters.

I must say that the whole thing is still sureal for me. I haven't figured it out yet. The tests showed he had no chance, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

Lost a patient

I finally am getting around to be able to write about this.

As many of you know I'm a volunteer fire fighter at the Town of Wilson, Black River FD. I also am one of the few at work (Franzen Graphics) that know CPR.

Last Wednesday (April 9th) we had a worker in the screen department collapse. After several people found him and tried to wake him up, they called me to try and help.

When I got to him, he had no pulse and wasn't breathing. Then another co-worker that knows CPR arrived and we started CPR. After we started, we were able to get a pulse for about a minute. Then we got nothing for about 5 minutes before the EMT's arrived.

He didn't make it. He was only 43 yrs. old with a fiance and 2 daughters.

I must say that the whole thing is still sureal for me. I haven't figured it out yet. The tests showed he had no chance, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

Passed FF1 Test

Passed my test for Fire Fighter Entry Level 1 this past Saturday.

I’m still going for my FF1 Certification, but passing FF1 Entry Level allows me to enter a burning structure.  (Lisa’s real happy about that by the way! Not!).

After FF1 Cert, I’m going to take some time off before going for FF2.

I’d like to be able to have a weekend with an open day for once.

Passed FF1 Test

Passed my test for Fire Fighter Entry Level 1 this past Saturday.

I’m still going for my FF1 Certification, but passing FF1 Entry Level allows me to enter a burning structure.  (Lisa’s real happy about that by the way! Not!).

After FF1 Cert, I’m going to take some time off before going for FF2.

I’d like to be able to have a weekend with an open day for once.


First of all...TOP ’O THE MORNIN’ TO YA!

Second, it’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog, so why not.

Finally had a decent day at EWP yesterday. It’s got to be the shirt. I’ve only worn my SWT Fightin’ Donkeys shirt 4 times playing poker. After yesterday it’s now 2 wins, and 2 seconds. Not sure why I don’t wear it more often.

Several Key hands:

1 - Good Laydown. Folded JJ against and all-in and a call, and it turned out to be AK vs QQ. AK ended up with a straight.

2 - Great Call. I was the small blind, and TAN to my left was the big blind. It folded around to Robert, who held the button. He raised to $1500 (blinds were 200/400). I thought, and called, figuring it was a position raise. TAN  called too, so 3 to the flop. Flop comes 2 5 8 rainbow. I check. TAN checks. Robert bets 1500. I re-raise to 5000 total. TAN calls. Robert folds. Turn is a K. I check. TAN checks. River is a Q. I check. TAN goes "All-In" for $5400 more. DAMN IT. I figured I was ahead after the flop, but I may have let him catch up on the turn or the river. I mean I have 66, and there are 3 overs. The turn brought a second diamond, so maybe he missed his flush draw. I thought for a while. A call would mean I’d only have about $5k left. I decide to call, and he says "Good call" and mucks his cards and walks away! WEEEEEEEEEE. He said he missed his flush draw. This hand gave me about $28k or so. It was right before the break, so I was almost double the starting stack by then.

3 - Bluff works. I look down at 3/4 off, and I’m the button. There are 5 limpers, so I limp in hoping to hit and take a big pot somehow. Flop comes A K 10. 1 player in late position takes a stab with a $1500 bet. There’s about $2400 in there. I re-raise it up to $5k all day, and everyone folds. I showed my 34 off and said "there’s my bluff for the day".

4 - 9’s are runnin’. Been dealt 99 several times today. I look down at 99 UTG with the blinds at 400/800 and raise it up to $2000. Garrett calls. Everyone else folds. Flop comes 2 5 8. I push all-in, and Garrett says "I have to call". We BOTH table 99! There was a runner-runner chance of him flushing it up with spades, but it bricks out and we chop it. We would both be dealt 99 several times after that hand as well.

5 - 99’s are STILL running. I look down at 99 again. We’re down to 12 I believe. I limp, and Grizz raises it up to $2000 if I recall (blinds still 400/800) so I call. Flop is 8 9 Q. Grizz bets $3k or so. I say "9’s are still runnin’...I’m all in". Grizz looks at me and laughs. I was really hoping he’d think I was bluffing. He thinks for a while and calls. I have $44k at the time, and he had almost $50k. He tables KQ. It bricks out for him, and I’m up to almost $100k.

6 - Unlucky Fold. We’re down to about 7 players I believe. I look down at A 10. I’ve been dealt this frickin’ hand 10+ times today, along with 99 probably 6 times. I limp in early position. Someone goes all-in (Short stack), and I plan on calling until Action Dan (Chip leader at the time) re-raises all-in. I fold, and get up to go get another drink. Dan shows 44 against I believe it was KQ or something. I don’t recall because my mind shut down after a flop of: A 10 10! I can’t frickin’ believe it. turn is a rag, and the river is another A. SON OF A BITCH. That would’ve been sweet, because I just know that Dan would’ve pushed after a flop if I would’ve checked. It took me a while to get over that one. I mucked a few in a row just to settle down.

7 - Almost won it here...It’s down to me and Action Dan heads up. He came into heads up play with a 2-1 chip lead. We decided to chop the 120/50 prize pool 90/80 and play out for the win, with Dan getting the $90. I figure it’s a deal for me. I guaranteed myself an extra $30, and still had the chance at a win. Sure enough, I was able totake the chip lead after about a half hour of play. I was now about a 3/2 chip leader, when I look down at A4. Dan’s been raising every pot, so this time he raises, and I push him all in. He just about folds, and then says "Oh well, let’s gamble" and flips over 6 9 off. I’VE GOT HIM! Not a huge favorite, but a favorite none the less. Damn it, he spikes a 9, and now he’s a dominant chip leader over me.

8 - It’s over. I look down at J 10 and push all-in with my last $40k. Dan’s got $250k+ so he calls and shows A4. I hit my 10 on the flop, but he rivers the A, and it’s over.

So close, yet so far. I did pick up some valuable info on Dan during that session, because I was able to get him to show a lot of his hands. I picked up a few betting patterns that will help in the future.

The shirt did it again though. That makes it 2 wins, and 2 seconds when I wear this shirt. I need to start wearing it more often.



9 Lives helps @ Skybox

Wow, what a night.

67 players at Skybox. Got the donkey shirt on so you know it'll be a good night.

Started off well. Probably doubled my stack by break 1, but lost most of it by break 2.

The 3rd session is where it started getting CRAZY! 3 huge hands in this session. Blinds are 50/100 I believe, and I am down to $900 in chips. I'm the big blind, and there was 1 limper. I look down at a 66, and I just call, after thinking about pushing. BB checks. Here comes the flop. JJ6! BAMMM. OK, now how can I get some chips out of this. The 2 players in the hand are "Brian" (Not Brian S) and Phoenix. Phoenix is tight enough, so I don't think she hit it. Dude to my left likes draws and calls anything, so I'm hoping he stabs at it. I check, and they both check. Turn is a Q. I check, and they both check. DAMN! I want to get paid off here. River is a 2, and I push all-in hoping they think I'm bluffing. Dude insta-calls with a Jx. Just like that I'm up to $2500 or so.

Next hand is even better (For Me). I'm now the small blind. I look down at KQd. Tim raises about 4x and it folds to me. I call. It's just me and Tim to the flop. Kh 7d 2c. I push instantly. Tim's got me covered (Oh Shit...didn't see that!) and thinks for a while and calls with AK! Damn, that's it for me! NOPE. Not so fast my friend! Contrar Meu'frer! runner runner diamond. Flush baby! That brings me back up to over $6K.

At that point I really felt it could be my night. You don't win tourneys without getting lucky.

Well, my stack went backwards when I held 88. Blinds were up to 300/600. I'm in middle position and it folds to me, so I just call. Manny calls from the button. Small blind folds, 3 players to the flop. Flop is Ah 10h 2c. BB checks and I throw out $2400. Manny re-raises all-in. DAMN IT. I really don't give him credit for an A. For God sake's he could actually have a 10 2. I think for a while and fold. I really think I was ahead there. He later told me he was on a heart draw, and I could believe that. I hate those. Players like Manny are the toughest for me to play against.

After a few other pre-flop raises with middle pairs and missing the flops, I'm down to $3000 with 2 tables left. That's when they moved Scotty Nguyen to our table with his monstrous stack. He easily had our whole table covered. He proceeds to call every all-in with nothing and donks off his chips to everyone else but me. Finally I look down at AQh in the BB. The blinds are 1K/2K so I've got to push. I get 4 callers and nail the flush so I'm back in business.

Porn gets busted, and then we have a huge hand that takes out 3 on our table. Scotty "Don't know Nguyen to Fold" calls 3 all-ins on our table. 3 hands are: A6, AK, QQ, and of course Scotty's 10 7 wins when he hits 2 10's. SICK, but I'm lovin' it because we're now down to 10, and Mr. Donater is still at my table. No luck though, because the other table loses a few and we're down to the final table. Several hands in a couple players get knocked out. 2 of the players from the other table came in with good stacks, but the rest were pretty short. Scotty gets knocked out, and we're down to 5 players. Tim gets bent over for the final time when his AQ is sucked out on by a K10 with 4 flush cards. Looks like I'm headed for another 4th place finish because I'm the tiny stack next to 3 giants. As luck has it (Again - I've been getting lucky all night) The guy to my right has been aggressive with his big stack. I'm the SB. UTG folds, and he makes a position raise to chase me and the BB. I look down at QQ and push. He thinks about it, but there is $40K in the pot and it's only another $8K to call. He throws it in and shows Q8. He doesn't improve and I'm now 2 in chips. The guy to my left has slightly less than I do, and I got fancy and did the same thing. I made a huge raise from the button with 52c and he re-raised all-in. I had to call and said "Oops, you busted me". He flips over AQ. Flop comes AQ9, 2 clubs. Sure enough, Turn is a 6 of clubs, and he's sent to the rail by my 52c. I can only imagine the verbal beating I'd have taken if that was you Porn!

Down to 3. Chip leader gets hammered when 3 pushes and sucks out on him with rags. I'm now the chip leader and the other 2 are a close 2nd. I knock out the guy to my right when he pushes with about $15K left, and I look down at JJ and insta-call. He doesn't improve, and it's now heads up. I have about a 2-1 chip lead on my opponent. He pushes all-in twice, and I had absolutely nothing to call with (Like the 52c was before! lol). We get to about even and proceed to steal each other's big blind for 5 or 6 hands.

At that point I could tell Joe wanted to bail, and it was midnight, so I offered the dude a $80/$80 split of the cash, and we'd play for the win and the balance of the $20 left in the prize pool. Neither of us are in the points chase, so it wouldn't effect the outcome of league. He agreed. I can't recall the hands, but we again kept pushing and folding away the BB. Then I look down at 88, and he calls with Q8. YAH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*%@)!*& !!!! Q hits the flop and he wins. WTF?

Anyway, I'll take the second place and the $80 no problem. I used all 9 lives tonight, so I can't complain.

Can't say it enough: "I'd rather be lucky than good!"

5/32 at Talk of the Town

Just got back from Talk of the Town.

$25 buy-in, $25 re-buy (Only 1 and must be busted) and 1 add-on after 3rd level. Pretty decent set-up there. Start with $5000 and blinds start at 50/100. Half hour levels for the first 4 levels, then 15 min. levels. It's pretty decent.

The only 2 big gripes I have is that any time a card is flipped during dealing it's a misdeal, which wastes a lot of time. The bigger deal is that players can show up as late as the end of the 3rd level (1.5 hours) and still re-buy and add-on. So they walk in and have the same or more chips than me. BS I think. Doesn't matter. Everyone of those bastards finished behind me anyway!

Let's get on with it. Hit a few hands early. I'm sick, so I really don't recall too many hands. I do know that the only decent pp I had all night was JJ and had to lay them down to 2 pre-flop raises. This is a super tight crowd, and sure enough it made a show-down with AA beating KK.

I had to have been dealt AK about 10 times, and only lost with them 1 time. I had to cough them up when I whiffed on the flop and dude that called my preflop raise hammered the flop. I managed to either hit my A, K or both several times, and was able to get people out pre-flop with them all night.

The thing that helped me most was that I was able to build a great table image early on. My first 3 hands shown were all AK. I used it to my advantage a few times. Raised pre-flop with marginal hands, and no one would call.

Got to the final table as the chip leader or close to it, and went card dead.

The small stacks kept winning, and it only paid down to 5th, so I thought for sure I'd bubble or something. Finally picked up a few hands and got back to the chip lead. Gal across from me took 2 peopl out in a row and grabbed the chip lead. I finally took out the bubble player, so I was in the money.

Next hand I play (Mind you, super tight table) is A8 of hearts. I raise to $24K (Blinds are 4K/8K). Chip leader thinks, and calls. Flop Comes K88! I check, she checks. Turn is a 6. I go all-in, and she thinks long and hard and calls with 77! WOW....I turn over my cards and HOLY SHIT! I have A5! What an F-UP that was! Needless to say I'm knocked out in 5th. Won $80, not bad for a few hours work. I never had to re-buy, and did the add-on, so $45 in, $80 out.

I'll take it, but what a dumb-ass I am!

(Side note: Tony D and Hooch were there. A few others that have played EWP and Skybox were there as well.)

This capped off a good poker week/weekend. 4/64 at Skybox, Won 2 at the home game at my bro-in-laws Sat. Night (Maybe $80) and the above. I'll bask in it while I can, because this can only mean I'm about to take a dive off the poker diving board!

Skybox - Great Comeback

Had to go to Skybox again to show the wife she's not the only one that could play. Same crew as usual there (Talking like I'm there all the time), but I recognized almost everyone from last week. I even drew the exact same table and seat! 2 people that were at my table last week were there too. I don't play there enough, so I have no clue how any of these people play.

To make it interesting, Me, yt4d, Porn and X threw in $5 for a "Last Longest" bet. It actually went pretty deep. I think everyone finished in the top half.

The night started off well for me. First hand is QQ UTG. I raise it 5X and the only caller is the BB. Flop is all low unconnected trash. He bets, I raise he calls. Turn is junk. He checks I bet, he calls. Great what does he have? River hits another trash card. He checks, and I just check. I show QQ and he mucks. So, first hand and I'm up to about $4000 (Start with $2500). Next hand I'm the BB. I look down at 65off. Limp Limp Limp bla bla bla. Same as usual. 5 players. Flop comes 347! BAMM! How do you like me now! I check. It checks around to the dealer and he fires at it. I'm the only caller. Turn is a K. I'm loving this! Please hit this board! I check. He bets I call. River is a Q. I've got the nuts. I lead out with a pot-size bet (Blinds are only 10/20, but there must be $600 in there). He calls. I say "The Nuts", and he folds his AA up! Wow. Thanks for the gift! Listen to all you beginners out there" NEVER (Did I say never?, oh yeah...) NEVER limp with rockets. Heads up maybe, MAYBE.

So now I've doubled up, and finish at the first break with about $6K. I'm the chip leader at my table, and I think I was among the 4 of us too.

Second break, I continue to hit hands and get lucky enough to have people pay me off. Another big one that session was when I was in the BB with a 2 4. Pot doesn't get raised, so I see a free flop and of course flop the nuts! A35 on the flop. I keep throwing out medium size bets and get paid off. A guy called off over half his stack on that hand with a KQ. Thanks buddy!

I'm a firm believer that there are 4 big factors in poker, of which we as players only have control over 1. That is the skill to put your chips in good, or force your opponent to fold a better hand. The other 3 that we don't control, but need to have a decent tourney is:

1) At least a few good hands along the way.

2) You need to win a few races along the way.


3) You need to have players that will pay you off when you have the best hands!

I can't stress 3 enough. How many times have you actually ran into some good cards, or hit tons of flops but can never get paid off? Tonight, when I had a hand, I was able to get someone to pay me off almost everytime. Some of that may be skill, but a lot of it is having the right type of player in the hand with you, or to be lucky enough to be on the right side of a cooler.

After the second break, Porn gets moved to my table and we're the only 2 left in the side bet. It's GO TIME. He immediately makes his presence known at the table. Phil looking me straight in the eye. I think the bobblehead intimidates me even more than Porn! So there's finally a solid player at my table. He pushes me off 88 when he raises big with 22, and gets called by 44 I believe. Here it is: he hits his 2-outer on the river and takes the pot. REMEMBER: No more "I never get lucky!" comments. Although you ended up whipping that one out a few hands later when someone sucked out on you. I loose a big chunk of my chips when I look down at A 9. I raise and get 2 callers. Flop comes 9 J 2. I fire $2500 at it and 1 guy calls. Turn is a Q. I check and he goes all-in. How did I know this knob-shine had me? I regretably fold and he shows his K 10! He called $2500 with a gut-shot. Oh my. Later on I found he pays to see all draws.

Just before break, Porn gets moved to the other table (Only 13 players left) and proceeds to get knocked out when he's seated in to the BB right away at that table, and is forced to push. So I've at least survived the pool. I think you guys laid down for me in fear of the reprecussions at EWP. I'll take it!

Down to 12 players and I'm 1 of 3 players that all have about $5000 left with the blinds at $1000/$2000. I pushed all-in with KJ and get called by a Q10 and it holds up, so I'm back up to about $12K. Just like that the All-In fury starts. 2 get knocked off on the other table and we lose 2 in the next hand TO ME. I don't even remember the frickin' hand. All I know is I knocked out the 2 short stacks (With A high if I remember) and go to the final table with about $24K


Moon and 1 other guy are absolutely frickin LOADED with chips. I'm guessing I'm at about 5 out of 8 in chips. Within a few hands the 2 Brians are knocked out. I'm getting low. Blinds are now up to $3K / $6K and I've got about $14 left. I look down at A8 and push all-in UTG. I get 2 callers and they have a side pot. Flop comes 28J and they both check, so I figure I'm good. Turn is a 8, and I triple up! One of the callers was all-in, so now we're down to 5. Moon donked off a bunch of chips, but got the chip-lead back when he knocked off a guy who pushed with 44 and ran into Moon's AA. Dude didn't improve and now we're down to 4.

I'm again getting blinded out and finally push with KJ UTG and get 1 caller. He flips over AQ. Flop comes 2 8 J, with 2 Clubs. Looking good. Turn is a 4 of clubs, and you guessed it. River is the 5 of Clubs. He had the A of Clubs, and I had the K of clubs. Tourney Over for me!

I'll take the 4/64 finish, but I really thought I had a chance with those guys.

Joe gave me a 1st Place envelope so I could fool Lisa. It worked.

Not sure when I'll tell her I took 4th and not 1st.


She showed me didn’t she?


It was nice to finally go somewhere and play poker without worrying about blinds, chip-ups, evening out tables, bouncing etc...

This was a tale of 2 evenings in 1.

Darren's evening:

Well, it started slow. I played a whopping 1 hand throughout the first session. I was in the big blind, and there were about 5 limpers (This turned out to be a pattern at this table. 4-6 players in EVERY hand). I looked down at A 10 (First even remotely playable hand of the night.) and just checked. Blinds are 20/40. Flop comes 10 5 2 rainbow. The small blind fires out $200. This actually worried me because even though I have top/top, he's the small blind, and easily could have 2 5, or any combo of the crap that was on the board. After thinking for a while, I just smooth called. Everyone else folded. Turn is a 8. He fires $400. I went into the tank for quite a while and even apologized for taking so long. I haven't played against any of these players, so I have no idea how this guy plays. The bet seemed too high to me to be 2 pair. I figured he'd trap with those, so I eventually just called. River is a 3. He checks, and I thought of betting, but decided to check it down and not get greedy. I through my cards over and said "Top/Top" and he mucked. I should've asked to see his cards so I knew what he played, but let it go. That almost doubled me up, and by break 1 I was up to about $4500 (start with $2500).

Second break starts off nicely. I actually start seeing a few hands. I'm loving sitting at this table of limpers. If I can just get a hand or 2 and steal the limps I'll be happy. FINALLY look down at QQ with the blinds at 50/100 and 5 limpers. I make a pot-size raise ($500) and they complain and fold. Limp all day baby! Pay off big daddy! Well, the deck went cold again for me for a while. I eventually look down at A3 and limp in late position. Flop comes Q 3 2. Check, Check bla bla bla...back to the guy to my right. He fires out a pot-sized bet. I thought for a little bit, but fold saying "Hey, that was my move!". 1 caller. Sure enough, Turn is another 3! Damn it! Manny fires at the pot, and guy to my right calls. RIVER IS A 3!!!! Son of a biatch! Manny goes all-in, dude calls. They both have a full house (333QQ). I would've been chip leader if I make the call to see the turn. I've thought about it, and just couldn't see calling $400 with the A3, although I know just about every other player at the table would've. Oh well.  I get blinded down to about 2 big blinds, and double up before 2nd break on a hand I was happy with. I had 33 in the big blind with 2 limpers. Flop is QQJ. Small blind checks, and I went all-in. Fold Fold Fold. I was happy with that.After the small bond and another hand, I was left with $800 going into break 2.

Break is over and I now have 1 big blind left with 5 hand to catch something. Trash, Trash, Trash will raises in front of me. I know I know. I should've just thrown them out there and hoped to get lucky. I think my main flaw as a player is waiting too long to push and letting my stack get too short. I finally am UTG and go all-in blind. I figure the timing is the best because I ould at least triple up. 4 Limpers! Surprise! I still haven't looked at my hand. Flop is A 8 2. I'm dead...especially when some knob-shine bets into the empty side pot, and another guy goes "You do know the goal is to knock him out right?" Old duded says "Yes". I tried so hard not to laugh, but I'm loving it! ISOLATE FOR ME BABY! He gets 1 caller, so there are 2 left and me. Turn J, River 10. They turn their cards over, and dude that bet after the flop had a K9! He was hoping for some "straight cards or something". Caller had a KJ. So I say "Well, we'll look at cards together..." I flip them over 1 at a time....7, 7! Even if I looked pre-flop, I would've throw the chips in, so I guess it was meant to be. Knocked out in 28th Place! It was nice to get out there and play without running anything. Just wish I could've caught a few hands. I had 3 pocket pairs all night (33, QQ and of course the fatal 77). Everything else was A rag, or rag rag.

Now, for the other half of the night. Lisa was hemming and hawing about going. She kept saying "I haven't played live in forever. Maybe I'll just go and watch you play." I didn't even give her the option, and registered her when I registered.

Well, she owes me big BECAUSE SHE WON THE DAMN THING!

That's right, Lisanity took it down. She ended up beating Phoonix heads up for the win. I think I need to take lessons from her!


Mitchell Report

Well, my intention was to just read a few pages of the Mitchell report to see a few player's names that I cared about. I ended up reading about 225 pages of it! Got hooked.

If you're a baseball fan, you may or may not want to read this:


I was astounded at how some of this stuff went down. We all heard about the BALCO raid and scandal, but the details in this report about it are fascinating.

We all knew that steroids had been a part of not only Major League Baseball, but many other sports for some time now.

It's just a shocker to read, in detail, the method of operation for some of these trainers, players, clubhouse personnel, and even some of the GM's.

I just made fascinating reading for me, and I'm not a big reader. The first 50 pages or so are more about the history of how baseball dealt with early drug problems and how over time new concerns and policies were put into place. After that, it starts with BALCO, and goes from there. Check it out, and let me know what you think.

(FYI...This is a list of current and former Brewers that were detailed in the report: Current: Eric Gagne, Derrick Turnbow Former: Gary Sheffield, Fernando ViƱa, Ricky Bones, Darren Holmes, Josias Manzanillo, Ron Villone, Gary Bennett, David Bell and Steve Woodard)


4 Quads!

Wow! What a day at EWP yesterday.

We had 4 people with Quads, including 2 on the same hand. We'll start with that one. The cards are dealt, and we see 3 people to the flop. Flop comes AAA! The 3 in the hand check it down. The turn is a 3. One player bets, and the other folds. Now we are down to Go Irish and Neal L. The River is another 3! Neal bets and Go Irish re-raises all-in! Neal folds, and shows 33 for quads, but Go Irish shows the A 10 for the better quads.

There was some debate over whether or not Neal actually folded because Irish flipped his cards over before Neal actually said "Fold". X was at the table, so maybe he can expand on that a little.

I was involved in another one. We were down to 7 players at the final table, and TAN had almost half the chips in play and was pushing everyone around. In this hand he was UTG and raised up to $2400 (600/1200 blinds). I had about $8000 left, so when I looked down at 10/10 I pushed. Everyone folded and he called with KK! Ouch. Not so fast my friend. BAM hit a 10 in the turn and nailed another one on the river for quad 10's. It was nice to be on the good side of a suck-out for once. The 4th hand was (Memory is going blank here...) Quad 6's I believe when it got down to heads up between Irish and TAN.

Crazy day at EWP. Season's over, and I'm looking forward to the finals.

Actually considering a move from Lakeshore Lanes on Sundays. It took them until the second quarter to get the TV working. The guys were just as ticked as I was that we couldn't watch the whole Packer game. I know EWP doesn't bring in thousands of dollars in bar business or anything, but a little help would be nice. Other than the occasional Friday Night downstairs, it's been nice on Friday's. The Jammer is a nice spot to have a poker tourney, but Sunday's kind of suck.

I love the quality of play and the group of people on Sunday's, but it might to time to look for another venue on Sunday's. Our players deserve better. I'll be searching in the offseason.